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Acworth, Georgia | 6 Actions You Can Take to Prevent Cancer

Blog Post   Prevent Cancer   6 Actions You Can Take

Acworth Family Eyecare Eye Doctor near you in Acworth, Georgia

Nowadays, cancer is so widespread that most people have faced it – either directly or indirectly through the diagnosis of a friend or family member. However, despite the grim picture cancer statistics have presented over the years, scientists have also made tremendous strides towards understanding the biology of cancer cells. Medicine has reached many breakthroughs that improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Many eye diseases can be quickly and easily diagnosed during a Comprehensive eye exam, Pediatric eye exam and Contact lens eye exam. If you were diagnosed with an eye disease, such as Myopia or Nearsightedness, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, Diabetic retinopathy, or Dry eye, you may be overwhelmed by the diagnosis and confused about what happens next. Will you need medications or surgery – now or in the future? Is LASIK eye and vision surgery an option for you ? Our Acworth eye doctor is always ready to answer your questions about eye disease and Contact lenses.

Local Eye clinic near you in Acworth, Georgia

Is there anything to do other than wait for new research results? Yes, there are ways to protect yourself against cancer. Our eye care specialist outlines the following ways to take action and protect your health:

  1. Visit your eye doctor for regular eye exams
    The vast majority of people don’t get around to visiting their eye doctor unless they notice a problem. However, eye exams are extremely valuable for reasons that go way beyond basic eye care services. When your eye doctor performs a comprehensive dilated eye exam, he or she can spot the early signs of eye cancer – which is typically asymptomatic. While eye cancer is rare, it does occur and can appear at any age. The good news is that most eye cancer is highly treatable when diagnosed early.
  2. Prevention goes far
    Taking advantage of preventive healthcare is a powerful way to stay safe. That means going to yearly wellness exams and following your physician’s instructions for cancer screenings, such as a colonoscopy. This the best proven way to prevent cancer and catch it at a very early stage, when treatment is easiest. Self-exams for lumps and suspicious moles or skin lesions are also effective ways to improve early detection.
  3. Don’t neglect your dental exams
    Who likes going to the dentist? Almost nobody… And some people dread it so strongly that they’ll avoid the dentist until their tooth pain becomes unbearable. Yet, good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist will not only help your smile look nicer, but they could also help prevent cancer too.

    Research suggests that compromised oral health is associated with the development of cancer. In sum, even if you can’t stand the dentist – this is a time to grit your teeth and get regular dental exams!

  4. Live healthy
    Paying attention to proper nutrition (eat an abundance of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables) and incorporating physical activity into your days are both excellent ways to promote your lasting health. Not smoking and not drinking excessive alcohol (binge drinking is particularly bad for you) are essential behaviors for helping to prevent certain types of cancers. Obesity is another risk factor for developing specific cancers.
  5. Don’t take risks
    Sometimes, it’s the little things that increase your risk of cancer, such as spending too much time in the sun without protection and having too many sexual partners.

    Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it’s also the most preventable! Avoiding tanning beds or sun lamps, covering up during the sunniest times of day, and wearing enough sunscreen to block UV rays can all prevent skin cancer.

    In addition, the more sexual partners you have – the higher your risk for developing HIV, AIDS, or HPV, all conditions that raise your chances for particular cancers.

  6. Avoid occupational hazards
    If you work in an industrial environment, make sure you are well-protected against industrial and environmental toxins, such as benzene, asbestos fibers, aromatic amines, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). But don’t fret over your proximity to electromagnetic radiation from high-voltage power lines or radiofrequency radiation from cell phones and microwaves; these types of exposure have not been found to cause cancer.

We’re here to help you stay safe and make the most of your health. Using the latest technologies, our eye doctor performs comprehensive eye exams as a part of our expert eye care services. Visit our eye care center near you for more tips on how to optimize your vision and your overall health!

Acworth Family Eyecare, your Acworth eye doctor for eye exams and eye care

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